Brother Love and Lovely Dove

There’s a kid in my school who inspires me.  Work doesn’t always come easy for him, but he doesn’t stop trying.  He’s not very organized, but he doesn’t seem to care.  Life moves at a little slower pace; a pace he has created…no sense of urgency which I admire and am frustrated by all at once.  He earned the nickname “Brother Love” from me for always asking me to “bring it in for a hug” whenever he is tardy to class and I see him in the hall.

When I see “Brother Love” towering above his peers in the hall, I tell him, “Up high!” and salute for a high-five above his friends’ heads. “Lovely Dove” he started calling me, as a way to rhyme when we slap hands.  How many middle schoolers nickname their principal (to his face) and get away with it?   That’s the kind of laid back peace this kid brings.  He’s cool and once we had these nicknames in place, he stopped being tardy.  Relationships go a long way.  Kids can inspire adults.  I see Brother Love and I remember to slow down, smell the flowers, smile quicker, laugh longer…call myself a silly name like Lovely Dove.

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