EdCamp Lansing 2014

I spent last Saturday at a great professional learning event, called Edcamp Lansing at MSU College of Education.  Last spring I blogged about my virgin experience at Edcamp Detroit, so of course I was thrilled that a local version had arrived.  For anyone yet to attend, this is an “unconference” where attendees are the interactive presenters. Learning is what you make of it and is socially mediated, so when you arrive there is a blank board of rooms and times.  Participants sign up for what discussions or concepts they will lead.

I go to these “unconferences” with a friend and we intentionally hit different sessions, but take notes in a shared Google doc so that we can see in real time what the other is learning about, hence doubling our exposure to lots of smart people and interesting topics.  For instance, this time I attended the following four sessions:

  • Project-Based Learning – Two high school juniors from Dewitt presented how their classroom is called a “research and development lab” and they had used a 3-D printer to build a replica of itself…no teacher can keep up with that type of student-as-expert learning curve.  Highlights from their presentation, “Trust your students to learn.  We fail every day.”
  • Formative Assessment – Specialists from TechSmith, an ed-tech app-building company, queried a group of educators on our understanding and needs for formative assessment tools.  Educators learned from each other by sharing our collective experiences.  Developers learned from us by understanding our needs first-hand.  I hope to see how they innovate using that feedback.
  • Flipping 4th Grade – A local teacher and her intern shared how they’ve flipped their classroom using multiple video applications and sites, mostly free.  The discussion ranged from how to do it with few resources, to attention span stamina of children, to how others in the group have interpreted flipping.
  • Flipping PD – An intimate group of administrators and coaches shared ideas for how to authentically enrich fellow educators through professional learning mediums other than face-to-face.  Lots of ideas flowed and the dialogue took us to the heart of our goals for the adult learning around us.

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When I got home, tired but stoked about my day, my sister-in-law asked me what was so energizing about Edcamp.  I asked her to imagine, if for just a few hours, she could be surrounded by people who are passionate enough to be innovative, brave enough to take risks, and genuine enough to share of themselves honestly. Then I asked, “What if they shared your interests and you made time to talk with them?” That’s Edcamp.

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