Steeper Mountains

It was 5:30 and I was still at the school, having waited for parents to get their kids who missed a bus. I was making calls to others who needed updates on how their babies had done that day and how our team could further support them.  I looked over at my own son, whose haircut appointment we missed because I was tending to other people’s kids. Going on a 10-hour day with me, he just smiled and told me, “It’s okay, we can do it tomorrow because I’m just glad you have a job Dad”.  As much as I believe guilt is something we impose upon ourselves, sometimes I think it’s due.

But in this selfless comment, he reflected a value that all my running late because I stayed to help someone else must have taught him.  While I was feeling guilty about what we hadn’t done for ourselves, he was confirming a compassion I almost overlooked but it dawned on me when we finally got in the car and one of my mentor songwriters, Steve Seskin, belted through the speakers, “Everybody’s got a mountain to climb…and most of those mountains are steeper than mine.”  He recognized that our missed haircut doesn’t compare to some other child’s school challenges, some other parent’s financial woes, another person’s struggles.

We can impose guilt on ourselves for what we don’t have, or we can extend grace to ourselves when we realize how much we do.  Looking at a steeper mountain extends grace to all and consequently ours will never seem so steep.

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3 Responses to Steeper Mountains

  1. James says:

    I so loved this one. I remember the times that my own five kids spent time in the principal’s office before and after school because their dad was tending to other kids and other parents. But I during those times I would have the best and most interesting conversations with them that wasn’t possible at home. They also got to see the other side of “school” then in front of a teacher. They also had a great time “running the school” after school with the staff looking the other way and laughing at them or me and loving every minute of it. Enjoy this time. It is the best for many different reasons.

    • Sutterlearn says:

      Thanks for those reflections James! Sitting in that same office, we will both feel for those ghosts of school days past.

  2. Anonymouse says:

    Another Wow !

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