Memory Serves

One of the privileges of teaching has been the relationships with specific parents that have lasted beyond having their children in our classroom. This week I ran into four separate parents who were generally happy to see me and share stories of their current lives, not just reflecting upon who we were when their children were my students. One of those stories transcended time, but brought me to happy, awesome tears.
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The little boy I had in fourth grade had a memory issue. It wasn’t the expected forgetfulness or distractedness they all have, but a true cognitive memory deficit involving therapy exercises and brain specialists to help him increase retention. This was hard on his parents, especially his father, a buttoned-up and successful businessman who struggled through hours of homework keeping his son on track, sometimes escalating to heated arguments. We had long conversations about having patience with the boy.

This father and his two kids were in a horrific auto accident recently, but thankfully survived despite concussions, bumps, and bruises. When I went to check on the family, the mom explained to me how my friend had lost some short-term memory due to his head injury. Grateful they were otherwise okay, I wasn’t really thinking about our experiences with memory back when I had them in the school, but his daughter’s poignant question is what made me tear, “Do you think Dad will be more understanding about my brother now that he knows what it’s like not to remember things?” I’m sure his memory will now serve them all.

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