The Hats We Wear

The God I believe in has a sense of humor. I imagine God laughing every time I think I have a plan for myself and God hands me the real plan, usually with a new hat. When I look for clarity, I can almost hear, “Oh, is that what you thought was happening? (giggle, giggle) Here, try this on.”

It took a while for me to understand that reacting to a new hat was futile, but wearing it was essential for anything I would do later. When I planned to be a paramedic in North Carolina until I retired….here, try this on…move to Michigan and use that team leadership in a marketing company. When I thought I had become a manager…here, try this on…all that quality improvement and process stuff from the business world, public school could use it, go be a teacher. When I had the perfect teaching partner and we were figuring out new, fun ways of doing school…here, try this on…share your passion with other teachers, be a coach. It’s gotten to the point, or maybe I’ve just grown to accept it, things happen for a reason and it’s probably not going to be according to my plan.

Each hat we put on, in our personal or professional journey, is placed upon our heads for something we will do later. The skills we think we’re building in one arena are transferrable beyond our expectations or understanding at the time. What is amazing about how it all works out is that we usually don’t realize the value of the hats we wear, until we put on a new one.

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One Response to The Hats We Wear

  1. James says:

    You have worn a few hats in your young lifetime and each hat has been worn with dignity, courage, and persistence to be the best you can be. Your new hat that you start in January will be worn no differently than your past ones. Wear this hat proudly, with your great since of humor, and have so much fun with it. When I wore this hat I found it got heavier over the years and that humor and good friendships helped to lighten the load. Have fun and do enjoy each moment.

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