Drop I, Add THEY

Back when Garth Brooks was an international musical star, he gave part of an interview from the nosebleed section of Cowboy Stadium in Dallas, TX. He explained how he likes to make the trek up to those seats to get the perspective of what the show will be like from there and to remind himself that it is his responsibility to somehow make the person in that seat feel something through the music.

This interview popped into my head recently whilst sitting in the dentist’s chair. I found myself wondering how often a dentist sits in his own chair to interpret the experience of a filling, a cleaning, or any other procedures. My Dad’s sermons were full of illustrative nuggets of theological wisdom at his typewriter, but I’m sure a few created pew-squirming when they went too long, or wandered too deep on a humid, southern Sunday morning. Some of my “best” classroom lessons and written musings have garnished painful (to me) responses and reviews, usually when I didn’t consider my audience long or widely enough.

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For this reason I gather feedback constantly by using exit slips and really listening to the kids and teachers I learn with when they reflect their experiences. Team teaching with a partner was the most effective professional development for my practice, because two to three times each week, my partner and I took turns delivering lessons we created together so one of us could experience it as a kid. I’ve also videoed myself, a charming experience, to make the connections between what I meant to do and how it came across, learning that I’m much more animated in my mind than I convey with my body…something I can change, but wouldn’t have realized had I not intentionally shifted from the framework of my mind to the lens of those whose thinking I am here to support.

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2 Responses to Drop I, Add THEY

  1. Joe Sutterlin says:

    These thoughts are worthy of note in several professions. Obviously my dental hygiene friends might benefit by reading it – even though we are taught to think about how we are relating to patients.

    Doctors and nurses are probably the world’s worst patients because they think they can cure anything but too often don’t realize what the person in the bed feels – until they are that person. Maybe someone will share this blog with their doctor, dentist, nurse, or hygienist.

    Wouldn’t hurt if a lot of bankers and mortgage folks and their big corporations would try the same thing!

    Thanks for the thinking process and the application outside of the chair!

  2. Diane Whitney says:

    Our church as dropped “I” and added “We”. We must make it a movement.

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