You’re Not The Only One

She called me an idealist like it was an insult. We were co-workers in an office world of cubicles that she may have been in too long. I’m not sure. The rest of the conversation stung more, degrading comments like, “…life hasn’t kicked you in the teeth enough to know better.” I smiled, probably further substantiating her claims that naivety wears into callus or idealism is akin to crazy.

Had it been more important to me to give examples than to be an example, I would have launched back at her. I would have explained that people have called me an idealist for years before her. I might have told her of the pre-marital counseling session where a personality test already proved her insult, that indeed I lean to idealism. But I smiled. When this happened twelve years ago, it felt like an insult. All of those experiences felt insulting. I didn’t smile because I was intentionally being the example I now believe in. I smiled because the insult itself had warn into callus. But now, that callus is a badge.Having worked in many different places, having been a dreamer as a child and rearing “what-if” dreaming children, having seen the virtues of the purely technical/rational and the beauty of the purely abstract/unrefined, having lived the value of achieving goals through incredibly hard odds, I have come to realize that idealism is just another word for vision. That’s not insulting because it’s something that so few people are able to articulate, but that you must have to succeed in anything. Without an ideal, what are you really trying to create…or are you just reacting and being molded to your circumstances and experiences. Are you becoming callus if you’re not a dreamer of what could be?

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It takes a lot of emotional intelligence and intellect, not to mention energy, to take reality and pragmatically dissect the limitations, lack of resources, challenges, and remain focused on the ideal you have created. Your ideal could be the type of teaching aspire toward, the type of classroom environment you create, of the type of person you want to be.

I wanted to learn how to carve a canoe paddle, so I went to Google to see what techniques and tools people suggested. There are about 763 different ways people do this, but one old timer wrote the best advice for carving wood or life as an idealist. “Take your board, doesn’t really matter what kind you get, then visualize what you want it to look like. Now, remove away everything that’s not a paddle.”

And pretty much, that’s it. Idealism is vision. It is being a dreamer. Being an idealist is seeing what could be or should be or, if you’re good enough at it, what will become. As you go into this new school year, expect to be kicked in the teeth, expect change, expect limitations and variables beyond your control, but visualize wonder, exception, and your ideal for what it will become. They may say you’re a dreamer, but you’re not the only one. I’ll be an idealist with you.

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