Twitter: My Newest PLC

I’ve bemoaned Facebook for all providing more information than anyone needs to know about each other. I’ve realized why the Me Generation is, after hearing about celebrities tweet their every pathetic thought for tweens to gush over. High school reunions have actually been cancelled because people had already caught up enough through Facebook. Marriages have been tested because of anonymous relationships forged online or old loves rekindled. Blogs are inherently a place for us to spout self-centered editorials about the world.
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While all of these observations remain true, I joined Twitter in late 2012 with a professional intention. Interestingly enough, even a social media latecomer like myself has been tempted to tweet a personal thought or observation, I have been very intentional about only using the medium for professional educator talk and connections. My work has grown richer for that.

Having a direct link to a growing network of folks, well-known and obscure, who share my passion for learning and public education of our children has exponentially increased my knowledge and interests. Checking in every so days, I get messages from both teachers I work with, researchers whose books I read, and the Secretary of Education himself.

Twitter is my newest and largest PLC. Follow me @Sutterlearn

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