EdCamp Detroit

On May 4, a friend and I went to a dynamic professional learning called EdCamp Detroit. The premise of EdCamp.org is grassroots professional learning among educators in a vendor-free environment (“Edcamps should be about learning, not selling.”)

Picture this, we arrived at 8:30 am to a basement room in the College of Education at Wayne State University; Edcamp relies on free spaces.

There is a whiteboard set up as a grid with eight room numbers across the top and four, 75-minute time slots down the side. Participants sign up to “run a room”, leading a conversation on a topic of their choice upon which they want collaboration with other educators; Edcamp doesn’t preset learning topics; participants bring their own needs and interests.

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When the board is full, participants choose which rooms they want to visit, then “vote with your feet” if the conversation is serving your learning needs or not. Stay as long or short as you like; Edcamp is centered on participant needs and the expertise of those gathered, which is wide, deep, and varied.

Some sessions are formal presentations with slideshows and discussion, most are in-the-round Socratic discussions. It is a funfest for ADHD behaviors as most participants are on some sort of device taking notes, Googling for examples to share, and Tweeting about their learning as it goes; Edcamp is about collaboration near and far.

Lunch is on your own. We went to a pub nearby. We being my fellow teacher friend, but also about eight other educators from across the state, and Canada, who actually just met in the hallways between sessions; Edcamp embodies professional learning community.

After the afternoon sessions, we left with a shared Google doc full of notes from sessions ranging Minecraft in the Classroom to Math Fluency, some of which we didn’t even attend, in the spirit of collaboration our shared notes provided us with twice the learning opportunity.

Application of this learning, as always, is up to the individual. I’d like to host an EdCamp of my own this fall. Anyone want to join?

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