Right to Work OR Privilege to Serve

In December 2012, ugly things happened inside and outside the capital building in Lansing, Michigan.  As with any human interaction, where you stood determined what you saw or knew and how you formed your opinion.  Inside the building, lawmakers quickly and quietly passed an agenda to name Michigan a “right to work” state, which is conventional language for saying unionized labor is not a required circumstance of employment.  Their behavior could be seen as slick political routing or sneaky injustice.  Outside the building, representatives from organized labor unions gathered in protest against the swift movement. Their behavior could be seen as reckless abandon or civil rights defended, by and for the people.

Today, that “right to work” law takes effect and we’ll see what happens.  I hope it’s not more ugliness from either side.  I wonder how our society could progress if the lawmakers who did this and the workers who oppose this approached their jobs not as a right to work, given or taken away, but as a “privilege to serve” others.

I can’t help thinking of my old hero, Abraham Lincoln.  When faced with the potential demise of the democratic experiment, in an all-out Civil War, Lincoln refused to consider an “us” versus “them”.  He didn’t even acknowledge the term “Confederate States” as doing so would confirm division.  In this context, the Union Lincoln tirelessly sought to preserve was us and them together. Lincoln undoubtedly believed it his privilege to serve.
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I’m as much a conspiracy theorist as the next guy when I see corporate greed and bipartisan dissonance deteriorate our country.  It’s tempting, easy, comforting even, to think that those with power are guided by greed and those without seek selfish salvation for their toil.  Accepting reality will only perpetuate it.

What if we all did our work with a servant’s heart?  What if we each counted our blessings that we have the physical and mental faculties to manage large organizations, pass laws, sweep floors, or teach children? What if our example as a manager mirrored the profit-blasting ethic we want from our workers and if our example as a worker mirrored the dignity, respect, and leadership we want from our managers?  What if both sides simply showed up each day and each considered their work as a privilege to serve?

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