
Today is the 14th anniversary of my first date with my wife.  I like to celebrate this day each year just by sharing with the world what a great choice I made to ask this girl out and how extraordinarily supportive she has been as a friend and partner ever respitecaresa.org levitra uk It offers effective cure for weak erection. Kamagra is an excellent formula that enables one with the long periodic erection of about 4 to 6 hours.5. viagra pill is the branded product that is available in the market at the cheapest prices. The pain in your back is usually best respitecaresa.org cialis price caused by a disease in the digestive technique like ulcer or gastroesophageal reflux disease. As massage Orlando myofascial release spelevitra ordering http://respitecaresa.org/412-2/bgsa-is-here/ts will tell you, it takes chronic inflammation to cause fibrosis of the fascia and ultimately pain. since that day.

We were living in Charlotte, NC and here is where we went for the afternoonHere is where we went for dinner.  I was trying hard to impress her to say the least, but it worked and I’ve been the winner ever since!

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6 Responses to Dativersary

  1. Dottie Snyder says:

    How romantic! It is wonderful that you do this each year. Keep telling each other how lucky you are. Marriage to the right one is a gift!

    • sutterlearn says:

      A gift is right…a gift, a blessing, a challenge, a ride, but more than anything, a keepsake to be cherished. Thanks for stopping in Dottie!

  2. James says:

    I have had a couple first dates, but nothing comparable to your first date. I use to impress my wife by celebrating the day we got engaged. Somehow that stuck with me and I would send a card or flowers. She had a hard time remembering dates so I think it made an impression. It is these kinds of things that make a marriage fun. Continue to have fun in yours.

  3. Your Father-In-Law says:

    Walt: I celebrate the day I met your Mother- In-law. August 2nd 1968. The wedding day was just the fomality required by law. 43 years, 2 wonderful daughters, who chose wonderful husbands, and the best gifts of all, are the grand kids. Here is to you and your best friend, may it be a long and enjoyable journey.

    AKA Grampa

    • sutterlearn says:

      I’m lucky to be surrounded by so many who value such things, even if the daily grind challenges it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. joe sutterlin says:

    January 18, 1964. It goes on the calendar even before the birthdays of my children. And if there had not been such a date (much cheaper restaurant in Knoxville, TN), there wouldn’t be any Sutterblogs. How wonderful that date continues to look in retrospect and in the continuing growth we see in our Michigan family. Dad

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