Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)

I don’t typically watch something again and again, unless it’s involves the Three Stooges or the first season of Scrubs.  However, I have watched this video from the 2010 TED Conference, repeatedly over the past year.  If you’re interested in children, learning, or technology, give yourself an uninterrupted 17:25 minutes to really take this in.  It continues to inspire me about where human learning could go and the nature of children that I try so hard not to dull through the current system.  Without further explanation, here are a couple quotes from Arthur C. Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey to prime the pump, “A teacher that can be replaced by a machine, should be” and, “If children have interest, then education happens.”

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2 Responses to Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)

  1. Neal says:

    I love TED Talks – thank you for sharing one that I hadn’t seen before!

    I recently watched one recorded at TEDxNYED that postulated that if most of what we are doing is continuous test prep, why not sit a kid in front of a computer and just have them learn that way – teachers don’t need to be involved in the process of memorizing and drilling for standardized tests. The talk went on to say that we are so much more valuable than that and the climate of education needs to shift away from so much testing.

    For your viewing pleasure:

    • sutterlearn says:

      Neal, this guy is completely and calmly antagonistic of a system that does was it was designed to do. He’s someone we need to network with to “push the needle” of structural change and learning design, you and me!

      Of course, because no one else has said it, I’ll throw it out there, “But what about Internet safety for children?” What say you?

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