the most fundamental skill and discipline your child will develop
during the
elementary years that will provide lifelong benefit. Mrs.
Brown’s and Mr. Sutterlin’s classes join
together to
follow a multi-age Reading Workshop format.
We have researched the benefits for student learning from a
teaching and multi-age approach. Our
Reading Workshop
will include whole group instruction, supported by regular guided
reading work
with the teachers and small groups.
Students are expected to do a lot of independent reading to
skills learned in these settings.
elementary is the time where students shift from “learning
read” into “reading to learn”. In future
academic years, reading to learn
will be a large focus and strong, independent readers will be most
successful. Simply put, we learn to read by reading. Reading at least
20 minutes every night is
non-negotiable. We list it as homework each night, but that is only a
reminder. Reading
is a lifestyle you must model and expect of your child.
Below is
some information about our classroom reading program so that you know
what to
expect to see your child accomplishing this year.
Day in Reading Workshop
In a typical Reading Workshop day: Students are
assigned to a group. That group will sit
together with their
reading folders, browsing box, and pencils.
Students are expected to read independently or work on Reading
Activity Sheets from their folders, unless they are working with the
teacher in a group
is this stuff?
Comprehension Test
Each month every
student must pass two Comprehension tests
with 80% or better scores. Accelerated
Reader (A.R. Tests) tests can be taken at school only during class or
recess. Print
outs of the test results must be turned in with reading logs.
Reading Log
Your Home Reading Log
must be filled out completely each week, signed by an adult each
Thursday, and turned in every Friday. You must initial your
groups Browsing Box Log each time you complete a book from your box.
Reading Activity Sheet
This year we will focus on
different comprehension
strategies. Each Tuesday you will receive
a Reading Activity Sheet assignment that must be turned in on Friday
with your Home Reading Log.
Browsing Boxes
Each group will have a box of books at their "easy" reading level,
provided by the teacher. These boxes will include a variety of
genres from which to choose. Students only read from these boxes
during independent reading time. These books may be used for the
Reading Activity Sheets.
Guided Reading Groups
In addition to independent reading performance and
progress, guided reading groups are a regular component to our reading
workshop. Guided Reading
is reading by children in the context of small,
flexible, needs-based
groups. Each child is responsible for reading his/her own copy of
a book
and responding to it in open-ended ways. We facilitate the guided
sessions by determining the purpose, coaching and supporting readers'
based on teacher observations and assessments of needs and progress.
choose literature that
we are particularly fond
of for these groups, matched to state Grade Level Content
Expectations in order to model our own passion
for reading. Children also select books of their interest, from
which we create lessons based upon skills those children need to